Earl Grey

Can we just take a moment to appreciate the beauty of these Blue Mallow blossoms? Just staring at the deep indigo makes my soul happy. As an early birthday gift from my brother I was given enough tea to last months! I made a pot for one earlier this afternoon. I thought this tea would fit the mood of this deary weather we're having.

Did you know tea has amazing benefits? Research has shown that black tea can help prevent many cardiovascular diseases and it is rich in anti-oxidants which help keep the blood flowing. Green tea is also rich with anti-oxidants to help improve your immune system and fight cell damage. The list goes on and on. I found a great post about what each tea is good for here. I am guilty of pouring a glass of Cola to go with my meal from time to time but I want to challenge myself. From here on out I am going to replace soda with a glass of water or cup of tea. I really want to start living and eating healthier. I think the best way to living a healthier lifestyle is to start by monitoring what goes into your body and if it's no good, change it. Soon enough you'll start feeling better from within.


An Introduction

Hi, there! I am so happy you are here! I guess I'll begin with a little introduction. My name is Kayla, I live in the state of Alabama. Over a course of time I have rekindled my love for photography and have decided to pick up my camera again. I want to document my life from here on out because every day is so precious. I hope to fill this blog with photos of everyday life, personal stories, and ideas that will inspire you. This is just a blueprint; many changes are sure to come! This blog is inspired by the locals, the ones with holes in their pockets chasing their dreams, from rags to riches, thriving cities, and moments that take your breath.

I hope you enjoy your time spent here!

© the local folk
Design:Maira Gall.